bogdan covrig


i am a software engineer in the netherlands. passionate about dev tools, privacy, and automation. into typescript, react, and node. currently building and working with cms. usually busy with movies, concerts, and sitting in the park for no apparent reasons. avarage oxford comma and em dash enjoyer


twitter mastodon linkedin


node.js on raspberry pi

install node.js on headless raspberry pi

cloud functions on firebase

setup basic functions on firebase

forem on gitpod

contribute to forem in a gitpod fork

content sentiment analysis hackathon

about calculating the emotion score of content

code of conduct notifier hackathon

about community codes of conduct


deploy to deta action

action to deploy projects to deta micros

Simple GitHub Action to deploy current repo to a Deta Micro - GitHub - BogDAAAMN/deta-deploy-action: Simple GitHub Action to deploy current repo to a Deta Micro

minimal house remix stack

a remix stack to sets up typsescript, tailwind, linting, and formatting

The Minimal House Remix Stack to setup Remix with minimal typsescript, tailwind, linting, and formatting - GitHub - BogDAAAMN/minimal-remix-stack: The Minimal House Remix Stack to setup Remix with minimal typsescript, tailwind, linting, and formatting

fig autocomplete

autocomplete terminal specs for clis that i often use

IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell - GitHub - withfig/autocomplete: IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell

virtual coffee static site

contributing to the static site and the community

Public site for Virtual Coffee. Contribute to Virtual-Coffee/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

nllpw org static site

static site of the nllp workshop built with gatsby, sass, and markdown files

Public repo for the website of the Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing - GitHub - nllpw/nllpw-org-gatsby: Public repo for the website of the Workshop on Natural Legal Language Processing